Emily Catherine Illustration: Behind the Scenes October
This is me; aged six, in a weird paint-covered smock at primary school with my friends (clothed in regular normal clothes) meeting the Mayor of Nottingham. Don't ask me why he visited our school ... but look how big his hand is? And I am wearing a paint covered smock...why? Anyway, my point is this; I have always been comfortable with the identity of being creative at an early age, but, it got lost along the way.
Recently, I've worked really hard to make my illustration business part of my identity but I was struggling, as I had never studied art or illustration and was insecure about that. I always loved it, always did it, but never studied it. I just thought it would be easier to get through school and uni with academic subjects.
When trying to get my illustrations noticed and become more 'serious' about it, I joined up to a programme called Real Creative Futures, which is a scheme in Nottingham which support and advise creative businesses in Nottingham City.
RCF is sadly ending in November, and, as I joined in September, I have been trying to use every tool, act on every piece of advice and try as many new things as they have offered and the process has so far been incredible. Whilst I would never normally go 'mushy' and include a childhood picture of me having 'found myself', I actually believe that RCF has changed my attitude towards myself and what I do. It's very sad that the programme is closing, but, the Creative Quarter (another Nottingham organisation, we boggers are lucky) are taking the helm after November to continue the extraordinary opportunities offered to independent creative businesses in Nottingham.
So, exciting things here at Treehouse HQ. Firstly, my illustration for the talented Georgina Wilding, founder of Mud Press ( http://www.mudpress.co.uk/) was used as a GIGANTUAN poster at the Launch Party at Rough Trade.
I have re-stocked and re-ordered some fresh new stock: see below:
Then, as part of the RCF programme, I went to Dizzy Ink Printers (https://www.facebook.com/dizzyink) - an incredible printers, in Cobden Chambers, Nottingham, for an Introduction to Risograph Printing workshop and made this from a sketch of Paloma Faith I had done:
Then I had the wonderful offer to stock my cards and prints in the truly incredible Cavology (http://www.cavology.co.uk/) in Cobden Chambers, Nottingham. You can find my full range there and also lots of other incredibly talented artists' work, handmade gifts, design-led products and lovely unusual things. Honestly, it's a treasure trove of a shop, with a lovely cafe adjoining. Well worth a butchers.
So, what's next? SECRET EXCITING THINGS! Including Christmassy things which aren't cards and other big news and adventures. Enjoy Halloween one and all,
Emily signing off at Treehouse HQ!